Teacher Evaluation

Foundational Services in Teacher Evaluation is designed for district staff and teams who will receive training on different growth models and implementing the student growth component, rules and regulations for Joint Committees, the legislative options for districts, and the three types of assessments available when making student growth calculations.  

Foundational Services Overview (with notes) (optional) 

Foundational Services – COLOR Infographic 

Informational Sheet for Teacher Evaluation

Teacher Evaluation Foundational Services Provider listserv= [email protected]




The purpose of Networking for Implementation sessions is to provide participants an opportunity for deeper discussion around shared experiences and expertise for the purpose of implementing approved content in the approved Foundational Services areas.  The Networking for Implementation opportunities are based on specific objectives as determined by identified needs for further implementation discussions and/or exploration of the resources along with sharing.

Networking for Implementation sessions may include one or all of the following objectives for participants within a focus topic:

  • Examine a focus topic in depth to support implementation
  • Share impacts, successes, and lessons learned related to the implementation of the focus topic by facilitator(s) and participants
  • Ask and collaboratively address questions and challenges related to the implementation of the focus topic

Networking for Implementation Guidance Document and Facilitator Considerations

Networking for Implementation ppt

Materials for ISBE Teacher Evaluation Training through Foundational Services

These modules were developed to be delivered in the order listed below and can be combined as needed.  Due to feedback from PEAC, ACs, and SPs, we have updated modules 1-3 to include specific language regarding teacher evaluation and special populations of students. This is the document that indicates the modifications to modules 1-3 and where this language already occurs in Modules 1-6   Changes in TE Modules related to Special Populations  

Teacher Evaluation: Module: 1- Rules and Regulations  Participants will demonstrate knowledge of Section 50.110 Student Growth Components of the Illinois Administrative Code Part 50.

Teacher Evaluation: Module 2: Joint Committee Participants will identify steps and critical questions for the Joint Committee to consider as the school district prepares for full PERA implementation.

Teacher Evaluation: Module 3: Student Learner Objectives  Participants will demonstrate knowledge of the SLO process based on training materials developed by the Illinois State Board of Education Assessment Division. This collection includes resources supporting the Student Learning Objective (SLO) process.

Teacher Evaluation: Module 4: Measurement Models Participants will demonstrate knowledge of the measurement models (adaptive conditional status, gain based, and multi-variate) and supporting materials.

Teacher Evaluation: Module 5: State Model Participants will explain the difference between the State Model and district-created model, articulate the requirements of the State Model and when a district needs to utilize different components, and determine which model is best for a district.

Teacher Evaluation: Module 6: Summative Rating  Participants will explain how the performance evaluation rating is calculated in the State Model, use a matrix to calculate sample ratings, and determine a summative rating using weights that are not 50% growth.


Teacher Evaluation Core Planning Team
TE CORE – lead FA Mark Klaisner [email protected]
TE CORE – lead FA Shannon Ferholz/JV [email protected]
TE CORE – Design Team Jodi Scott [email protected]
TE CORE – Design Team Jennifer Garrison [email protected]
TE CORE Suzy Dees [email protected]

This program is fully (100%) funded with federal grant dollars.