The Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools (IARSS) is proud to bring you our 22-23 Illinois Educator Shortage Study and associated materials.
Click here to view the 2022-2023 Educator Shortage Report
For several years, we have partnered with Goshen Education Consulting and higher education experts to survey schools across the state about the shortage of educators and to report our findings. This year, we have enhanced and expanded our report.
We have worked with Goshen to build this exciting online dashboard allowing users to dig deep into our Fall 2022 survey results. Please watch this video for a quick explanation of how to use the dashboard.
Access our Media Materials supporting the January 28, 2023 release of the report: news release, fact sheets, and social media content.
Our recent Educator Shortage reports:
Current Whitepapers
Related Academic Research from Fall 2022
- The last two years ISBE has invested $3.5M in pathways to create high school pathways. (2020 and 2021) We encourage continued investments here.
- Omnibus Education Act (HB 2170), which includes articles designed to help with the shortage including:
- Article 90. Establishes the Early Childhood Workforce Act with goal to increase number of early childhood professionals.
- Article 120. Expanded eligibility for the Minority Teachers of Illinois (MTI) to candidates with an Education & Training College & Career Ready Endorsement on their high school diploma who are not yet officially enrolled in preparation which often comprises only the last two years of college. Prioritized funding for teacher candidates who most need financial support. Pending an investment of at least $4.2M in the Minority Teachers of Illinois scholarship, the annual candidate award size increases from $5k to $7k and a set aside for bilingual candidates of color is created.
- Article 115. Aligns state requirements for admission for entrance into alternative and traditional teacher preparation programs.
- Article 130. Makes education an IAI major so 4-year universities must accept education courses for transfer education students who begin at the community college.
- Article 155. Prioritizes eligibility and stipends for NBCT Candidate Cohort Facilitators and Trainers to those who work with rural and diverse candidates.
- Through collaboration with ISBE Office of District and School Leadership, we were able to secure $1.8 million in funding through the state’s budget from the Illinois General Assembly to support the recruitment of diverse school leaders and leaders in hard to staff schools.
- The state’s New Teacher Induction and Mentoring legislation was updated and funded at $6.5M in ESSERs funded and Principal Mentoring legislation was updated and funded at $1.2M in ESSERs funding.
- ISBE has released more data about our school staff to enable local district leaders and others to address staffing shortages including the shortage of educators of color. For the first year, the ISBE district and school report card includes district leader diversity.
- Funding for Golden Apple:
- State funds: $6.5M for Golden Apple Scholars, $750K for Golden Apple Accelerators
- Federal funds: $3.5M for Golden Apple Fellows; $4.25M for Golden Apple Accelerators. The Golden Apple Accelerator program helps career changers access the profession statewide and be prepared day one in the classroom.
- More information about outcomes from each of our state’s teacher preparation programs was released for the first time in 2020 and will be released annually as part of ISBE’s Illinois Educator Preparation Profiles. See the reports here.
- ISBE piloting the Diverse and Learner Ready Teacher Initiative where educator preparation programs (EPPs) opt in to put in place activities that will increase the enrollment and completion of students of color. All EPPs will be required to participate in this program within the next 12 months.
News Articles
- Lawsuit targets Illinois teacher scholarship amid wider DEI rollbacks
- Crystal Lake District 47 could reduce staff amid budget pressures, uncertainty of federal funding
- 'I'm needed in that space'; Urbana student using scholarship to fund teaching dream
- Futures Teachers Learning About Ag in the Classrooom
- Illinois bill would remove student performance from teacher reviews
- A Critical Need for Special Education Teachers in Illinois | Elmhurst University
- Edwardsville District 7 tests new program to improve teacher attendance
- How One School District Retains Its Young Teachers - Governing Magazine
- DePaul earns $500000 to train K-12 special education teachers | Chicago Connections
If you have any questions or would like more information, contact IARSS Educator Shortage Committee Chair John Meixner at [email protected], or Goshen Education Consulting’s Tom Withee at [email protected].