School districts seeking recognition/approval by the Illinois State Board of Education must submit certain documents to the Office of the Regional Superintendent on a regular basis. These documents include the school calendar, which must provide for a minimum of 176 days of school per year; assurances that certain objectives, assessment procedures and/or the improvement of instruction are in place; annual applications for recognition and approval by ISBE; and applications for approval of local district in-service training programs and institutes.
As a part of the State Board of Education “Quality Assurance” process, the Regional Offices schedule approximately 300 Technical Assistance Visits during the school year to assure compliance with state statutes.
Non public schools seeking recognition from the State Board of Education must also submit certain documents to the Regional Office for approval and forwarding to Springfield. Non public schools applying for recognition are evaluated by ISBE visitation on a regular basis. ROE staff are involved in non public recognition as well as public school recognition.