Become a Trainer/Facilitator for Your Building/District! This page contains the current and future ELA training sessions that can be offered to schools/districts through Foundational Services. All materials needed for the various training sessions are available on this page.

Attendees will reflect on effective ways of sharing the information with other educators at the district or school level and will leave these sessions with access to the materials needed to lead discussions regarding implementation of the ELA and Content Area Literacy shifts. Teacher leader teams, along with their administrators, are encouraged to attend this training.

Foundational-Services Overview (with notes) (optional) 

Foundational Services – COLOR Infographic

Informational Sheet for ELA


ELA AC/SP listserv = elafoundationalservices@iarss.org.






The purpose of Networking for Implementation sessions is to provide participants an opportunity for deeper discussion around shared experiences and expertise for the purpose of implementing approved content in the approved Foundational Services areas.  The Networking for Implementation opportunities are based on specific objectives as determined by identified needs for further implementation discussions and/or exploration of the resources along with sharing.

Networking for Implementation sessions may include one or all of the following objectives for participants within a focus topic:

  • Examine a focus topic in depth to support implementation
  • Share impacts, successes, and lessons learned related to the implementation of the focus topic by facilitator(s) and participants
  • Ask and collaboratively address questions and challenges related to the implementation of the focus topic

Networking for Implementation Guidance Document and Facilitator Considerations

Networking for Implementation ppt


Materials for ISBE Balanced Assessment training through Foundational Services

*** www.illinoisliteracyinaction.org — this is your one-stop “shopping” for everything related to ELA.  At the bottom of the page, click on the little white envelope titled “listserv signup” to receive the latest and greatest information from the ELA Content Specialists. ***

ELA: Shift Kits  The English Language Arts (ELA) shift kits were designed in partnership with the ISBE and the ELA Content Specialists. There are nine separate kits based on PARCC’s advances as well as one administrator’s kit.

The Table of Contents for each topic lists the specific components including videos, webinars and websites for the shift.

  • Academic Vocabulary    Pre-Post Academic Vocab
    • The Academic Vocabulary Kit was designed to give teachers and administrators some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the area of academic vocabulary.Contents of the kit include:
      • Introduction of Academic Vocabulary
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS
  • Close Reading Kit     Pre-Post Close Reading
    • The Close Reading Kit was designed to give administrators and teachers some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the area of Close Reading. Contents of the kit include:
      • An introduction and definition of Close reading and the need for rigorous instruction across content areas;
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level;
      • Research based articles supporting the strategy of Close reading; and
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS.
  • Content Area Literacy Kit  Pre-Post Content Area Literacy
    • The Content Area Literacy Kit was designed to give teachers and administrators of Grades 6-12 some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in content area literacy and areas other than language arts. Contents of the kit include:
      • Distinction between English Language Arts, Content Area Literacy and Disciplinary Literacy
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS
  • English Language Arts Kit    Pre-Post English Language Arts
    • The English Language Arts Kit was designed to give English teachers and administrators of Grades 6-12 some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the area of English language arts. Contents of the kit include:
      • Introduction of English language arts
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS
  • Informational Text Kit     Pre-Post Informational Text
    • The Informational Text Kit was designed to give teachers and administrators some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the area of informational text. Contents of the kit include:
      • Introduction of Informational Text
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS
  • Narrative Writing    Pre-Post Narrative Writing
    • The Narrative Writing Kit was designed to give teachers and administrators some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the area of narrative writing. Contents of the kit include:
      • Introduction and differences of narrative writing types
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS
  • Text Complexity     Pre-Post Text Complexity
    • The Text Complexity Kit was designed to give administrators and teachers some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the area of Text Complexity.  Contents of the kit include:
      • An introduction and definition of Text Complexity and the need for rigorous instruction across content areas
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level
      • Research based articles supporting the need for complex text
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS
  • Text Dependent Question Kit     Pre-Post Text Dependent Questions
    • The Text-Dependent Questions Kit was designed to give teachers and administrators some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the area of creating text-dependent questions for close analytic reading.  Contents of the kit include:
      • Introduction of Text-Dependent Questions
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS
  • Writing From Source Shift Kit    Pre-Post Writing from Sources
    • The Writing From Sources Kit was designed to give teachers and administrators some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in writing from sources.Contents of the kit include:
      • Introduction of writing from sources
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS
  • Administrative Resource Kit (optional kit for administrators)
    • The Administrator’s Kit was designed to give administrators some background information on what is expected for student achievement with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
      • Contents of the kit include:
      • Review of the CCSS and the need for rigorous instruction across content areas
      • Presentation materials to build capacity at the school level
      • Instructional resources responsive to the demands of the CCSS


ELA: EQuIP Rubric — Participants will be able to locate EQuIP (Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products) resources that Illinois is utilizing in the effort to align multi-day lesson plans and units to the Illinois Learning Standards in ELA. EQUIP is an initiative of the American Diploma Project (ADP) Network designed to identify high-quality materials aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).


ELA: ELA Writing Matters Training  — This resource-rich professional development will provide educators with instructional practices to implement the Illinois Learning Standards for Writing.  The Illinois Literacy in Action (formerly named Illinois Writing Matters) website *http://www.illinoisliteracyinaction.org/ will be used to facilitate the various writing tasks necessary to meet the standards and prepare for PARCC.  Strategies and resources will be shared.  **Updated 6-5-17**

ELA:  ELA training – Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading — Ariel and Will Durant were right when they said, “Education is the transmission of civilization.” Putting our current challenges into historical context, it is obvious that if today’s youngsters cannot read with understanding, think about and analyze what they’ve read, and then write clearly and effectively about what they’ve learned and what they think, then they may never be able to do justice to their talents and their potential. ISBE Content Specialists will use the Writing to Read research from the Carnegie Corporation by Steve Graham and Michael Hebert to identify the cluster of closely related instructional practices shown to be effective in improving students’ reading. The report groups these practices within three core recommendations in order of the strength of their supporting evidence.  A culminating activity of designing a classroom task and connections to PARCC will be shared. 


ELA Core Planning Team Members
ELA CORE – lead FA Lori Fanello [email protected]
ELA CORE – ISBE Suzy Dees [email protected]
ELA CORE – FA Susan Safarty [email protected]
ELA CORE – Content Kathi Rhodus [email protected]
ELA CORE – Content Jill Brown [email protected]

This program is fully (100%) funded with federal grant dollars