Assistant Superintendent What are you looking for? Select a category Select CategoryAssistant Executive DirectorAssistant SuperintendentExecutive DirectorRegional Superintendent Select a location Select LocationNorth CookROE 1ROE 11ROE 12ROE 13ROE 16ROE 17ROE 19ROE 20ROE 21ROE 24ROE 26ROE 28ROE 3ROE 30ROE 31ROE 32ROE 33ROE 34ROE 35ROE 39ROE 4ROE 40ROE 41ROE 44ROE 45ROE 47ROE 48ROE 49ROE 50ROE 51ROE 53ROE 54ROE 56ROE 8ROE 9South CookWest Cook 34 Items Found Filter Sort By A to Z (title) Z to A (title) Allison Pierson – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #4 ROE 4 (815) 636-3060 Amber Quirk – Regional Superintendent, ROE #19 ROE 19 (630) 407-5800 Annette Hartlieb – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #3 ROE 3 (618) 283-5011 Assistant Superintendent, ROE #28 ROE 28 (309_ 936-7890 Carmen Siragusa – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #16 ROE 16 (815) 217-0460 Chad Hoesman – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #40 ROE 40 (217) 854-4016 Chris Berberet – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #51 ROE 51 (217) 753-6620 Chris Diddlebock – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #45 ROE 45 (618) 680-0154 Chris Shockey – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #8 ROE 8 (815) 599-1408 Chris Zielinski – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #44 ROE 44 (815) 334-4475 Corrie Ray – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #12 ROE 12 (618) 392-4631 Courtney Curry – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #34 ROE 34 (847) 543-7832 Courtney Dudley – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #54 ROE 54 (217) 431-2668 Dave Demler – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #26 ROE 26 (309) 575-3226 Donna Kaufman – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #9 ROE 9 (217) 893-3219 Dr. Deanna Oliver – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #31 ROE 31 (630) 232-5955 Dr. George McKenna, Assistant Superintendent, ROE #48 ROE 48 (309) 672-6906 Dr. John Sparlin – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #56 ROE 56 (815) 740-8360 Dr. Jon Julius – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #11 ROE 11 (217) 348-1051 Dr. Tricia Blackard – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #41 ROE 41 (618) 692-7018 Jacob Smithers – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #49 ROE 49 (309) 736-1111 John Consolino – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #13 ROE 13 618-244-8040 Jon Smith – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #53 ROE 53 (309) 477-2290 Josh Knuth – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #47 ROE 47 (815) 625-1625 Julie Stratman – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #1 ROE 1 (217) 285-5319 Lori Loving – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #33 ROE 33 (309) 734-6822 Mandy Horn – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #21 ROE 21 (618) 438-9711 Molly Allen – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #17 ROE 17 (309) 862-0420 Patricia High – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #32 ROE 32 (815) 937-2950 Ryan Myers – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #35 ROE 35 (815) 434-0780 Sarah Emery – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #20 ROE 20 (618) 253-5581 Shelley Senffner – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #24 ROE 24 (815) 942-5384 Sherri Schimpf – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #30 ROE 30 (618) 687-7290 Staci Oliver – Assistant Superintendent, ROE #50 ROE 50 (618) 825-3900