Tina Stier

Consultant, Roe #33

Presenter Biography

Tina Stier has been an educator for the last 38 years.  She was a music/band instructor, band instructor/administrator, and the last six years she has been the Curriculum Director at Abingdon-Avon District 276.  Tina received your BA in Music Education at Central College in Pella, Iowa, her masters in Educational Leadership as well as her Ed Specialist degree at Western Illinois University. Tina has helped implement and/or facilitate many different curriculums and initiatives such as curriculum alignment, instructional coaching, professional learning communities (PLC), standard based grading, 21st Century classrooms. Makerspace (STEM), self-paced learning, guided reading, integration of technology into the Curriculum and formative and summative assessments.

Additional Qualifications

ROE/ISC Contact

Julia Burns
[email protected]
Henderson/Knox/Mercer/Warren ROE 33