Shelley J Kenow
Special Education Consultant, New Branch Solutions, LLC
Presenter Biography
Shelley is a certified special education teacher with over 25 years experience with children who learn differently. She has developed her own training program based on her experiences in the classroom, trainings through the Crisis Prevention Institute, and from an international behavioral specialist. Shelley’s passion is working with families and school districts to develop relationships and understanding of children who learn differently in order to build better Individualized Education Programs. Shelley gives presentations on a variety of special education topics including but not limited to: 1) The basics of an IEP, 2) Accommodations and Modifications, 3) Behavior Strategies and Classroom Management, 4) Inclusion, and 5) Unconscious Biases toward Special Education.
Additional Qualifications
ROE/ISC Contact
Lynette Baity
[email protected]
Clintn/Jeffrsn/Marin/Washngtn ROE 13