Nicole Stroup

ELA Coordinator, Lake County ES ROE 34

Presenter Biography

Nicole has worked in education for over 10 years in the classroom, as a reading specialist for K-5 students, instructional coach in a K-5 setting, and now as an ELA Coordinator for the Lake County ROE. Her passion is bringing enriching relevant literature to educators around the county and support teachers with best instructional practices. Her goals in working with teachers is to build 21st century skills into content based lessons to help support students for the world in which they live in and opportunities beyond what we can envision. Her passion is to integrate technology and STEM into literacy. Recently she has provided webinars on a variety of topics ranging from striving readers to engaging read alouds for classroom teachers. She has also presented a variety of workshops that embed gamification and Novel Engineering.

Additional Qualifications

Google 1 Certified Google 2 Certified

ROE/ISC Contact

Shay McCorkle
[email protected]
Lake ROE 34