Meagan Novara
Coach & Teacher, Evanston / Skokie Community Consolidated School District 65
Presenter Biography
Meagan Novara, a Restorative Practices Educator, has been doing Restorative work for over a decade in Evanston, Illinois. Repeated incidents of gun violence in her neighborhood left her searching for a peaceful way to bring community members together. She was brought to a "third way" of thinking about harm and the community via participation in Restorative Justice Community Circles Training. Over the next five years, Meagan helped to create Sharing Circles in classrooms and build Restorative Practices across schools in Evanston. From 2018-2020, she was part of a team that rolled out a district-wide plan for Restorative Practices, working with students, staff, and families to establish a Restorative culture.
Additional Qualifications
Restorative Practices Coaching for educators and administrators, facilitation of Restorative Conversations, Circles and Conferences (Formal and Informal), Professional Learning, Consultation on how to implement Restorative Practices within a school, a cohort of schools, or district-wide.