Jeri Callaway
Director of Professional Development, ROE SchoolWorks (Champaign-Ford ROE 9 and Vermilion County ROE 54)
Presenter Biography
Jeri Callaway has been an educator for 13 years and comes from a family of Illinois educators. Her experience began as a high school theatre, debate, public speaking teacher in Missouri where she gained experience in project-based learning and cross curricular instruction. Mrs. Callaway also served as the district coordinator for the AdvancEd accreditation process. After 5 years, Jeri returned to Illinois as a literacy instructional coach for a federal, school improvement grant. She completed her administrative degree and became a Freedom Writer Teacher during this time period. This position brought insight into youth from poverty and traumatic home-life, the wrap-around process, and place-based learning.
From there, Jeri moved to central Illinois where she worked as the Area Wide Instructional Leader for East-Central Illinois for the IL RtI Network. With a background in RtI, PLCs, data-driven decision making, and more, she transitioned from the network to become the Director of ROE SchoolWorks.
As a mother, she strives to maintain a student-driven perspective; what would she want her son’s teachers and administrators to know and be able to do?
Additional Qualifications
ROE/ISC Contact
Jeri Callaway
[email protected]
Champaign/Ford ROE 9