Elizabeth Olsen

Literacy Consultant, Elizabeth Literacy

Presenter Biography

Beth Olsen is a third generation teacher with a passion for best practice literacy education. She studied at Oklahoma State University and her Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Emporia State University Teachers’ College. She began her work with public schools teaching kindergarten, first grade, second grade, 1-2 Multiage, and fourth grade. She completed her Reading Recovery training and discovered a passion for literacy education. Beth recently received her District Literacy Coach Leader certificate through National-Louis University. She has been recognized for her service as a recipient of the Outstanding Young Educator Award and Christa McAuliffe Fellowship nominee. Most recently, Beth served as a Language Arts/Social Studies Curriculum Specialist and District Literacy Coach. Additionally, she served as the Chair for the Judson University Doctor of Literacy program, having served for four years on the Doctor of Literacy Design Team. As a Literacy Consultant, she is resolute in her delivery of best practice philosophies and instructional methods. Beth believes that a commitment to lifelong learning and a kind demeanor are the hallmarks of a great teacher.

Additional Qualifications

Best Practices in Reading Professional Development Series In order to launch and/or sustain the most effective approach to literacy instruction, “Balanced Literacy with Guided Reading at the Heart”, the following series is available to classroom teachers, literacy specialists, and administrators. Select sessions to meet your school/district needs or enjoy the entire series. PHASE I Session 1: Guided Reading in a Balanced Literacy Environment – Why and What (3 hours) Session 2: Grouping for Guided Reading Instruction – Assessment and Scheduling (3 hours) Session 3: Zooming in on Guided Reading – Lesson Components (3 hours) Session 4: Reading Strategies in Guided Reading - Explicitly Teaching for Transfer (3 hours) Session 5: Guided Reading in Action – Let’s Watch (3 hours) Session 6: Literacy Work Stations and Independent Reading – Practice (3 hours) Session 7: Best Practices in Review and Self-reflection – Where do I go next? (3 hours) PHASE II – Modeling Guided Reading Lessons PHASE III – Observation / Feedback of Teachers’ Guided Reading Lessons

ROE/ISC Contact

Linda Oshita
[email protected]
McHenry ROE 44