Dee Ann Schnautz
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments, Mount Vernon City Schools, District 80
Presenter Biography
Dee Ann Schnautz, Ph.D. is passionate about preparing new teachers and leaders for their rewarding and challenging roles in education. She supports educators with new teacher induction, mentoring, instructional coaching, change initiatives, curriculum and assessment alignment, as well as district and school improvement. Dr. Schnautz supports educators through professional development, speaking, and extended support. Dr. Schnautz currently serves as the director of curriculum, instruction, and assessments for a southern Illinois school district. She is the President of Illinois ASCD and an adjunct for Greenville University. She also serves on the Teach Illinois ISBE Committee and ASCD Committees. She has taught at the elementary and middle school levels, served as a middle school assistant principal and an elementary principal.
Additional Qualifications
Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Indiana State University Illinois ASCD President Former Illinois Principals Association (IPA) Egyptian Area President ISBE Teacher Illinois Committee ISBE Standards Based Grading Committee Various ASCD Committees
ROE/ISC Contact
Mandy Horn
[email protected]
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