Angela Sutherland
Educational Consultant, Sutherland Educational Services
Presenter Biography
Angie Sutherland is an experienced educator, instructional coach, technology coach and professional learning specialist who is passionate about empowering staff and students through learning. She an ISTE Certified Educator, a Google for Education Certified Innovator, and a Google for Education Certified Trainer. Her twenty years of classroom experience and seven as a district instructional technology coach allow her to tie professional learning to practice and support the continuous growth and iteration. She has presented on topics such as Professional Learning, Personalized Learning, Self-directed Problem-Solving, Embedded Digital Citizenship and Extending Learning Beyond the Classroom at state and national conferences. She supports K-12 teachers and students in the facilitation, design, and implementation of learning with the purpose of promoting student self-efficacy.
Additional Qualifications
ISTE Certification Google Certified Trainer Google Certified Innovator Google Certified Educator Levels 1 & 2 Seesaw Ambassador
ROE/ISC Contact
Katie Algrim
[email protected]
Kane ROE 31