The purpose of this course is to provide administrators with an in-depth overview of the indicators utilized in the Illinois response to Every Student Success Act (ESSA) accountability system. Included in this workshop will be an overview of the ESSA law, the indicators utilized to designate schools, the requirements of schools designated for targeted and comprehensive support, funding support provided through the Title I – School Improvement 1003(a) Grant, and the requirements of the grant process including the use of the ISBE IWAS portal. In addition, participants will be exposed to the reports utilized for the annual designations available in IWAS. Participants will also discuss school improvement alignment to ensure positive student achievement. Although time will be devoted to those designated for improvement, this academy will be important for every school due to the annual calculation of the summative index score. Time will also be provided for participants to share experiences, barriers to student achievement, successful innovative ideas on student achievement, and communication opportunities for participants to guide stakeholder knowledge in their community.